The growing popularity of the Harris-Faye family sketches turned the program into their own comic vehicle by 1947. When announcer Bill Foreman hailed, "Good health to all... from Rexall!" on October 3, 1948, The Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show launched its independent life under Rexall's sponsorship with a debut storyline about the fictitious day the couple signed their sponsorship deal. The show was a quick success and its position in that powerhouse NBC Sunday lineup didn't hurt. Playing themselves as radio and music star parents of two precocious young daughters (played by actresses Jeanine Roos and Ann Whitfield, instead of the Harrises' own young daughters), Harris refined his character from the booze-and-broads, hipster jive talker he had been on the Benny show ("Hiya, Jackson!" was his usual hail to Benny) into a slightly vain (particularly about his wavy hair and the dimpled smile that always hinted mischief) and dunderheaded husband who usually needed rescuing by Faye as his occasionally tart but always loving wife. References to his hair and vanity became a running gag.
Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show: A Present for Phil - December 15, 1946
Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show: Jack Benny as Santa - December 19, 1948
Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show: The Christmas Present - December 26, 1948
Phil Harris Alice Faye Show: Alice Volunteers Phil to Play Santa Claus - December 21, 1952
Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show: Hosting French Refugee Kids for Christmas - December 25, 1953
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